
Colors and Brushes

Adonis UI tries to get along with as few colors as possible. The color definitions go hand in hand with the layering system. For each layer there are a total of nine colors except for the base layer which needs only two. For each color there is also a brush with the same name.

  • Background - background color of each control on that layer
  • Border - border color of each control on that layer
  • Highlight - background color when hovering over a control
  • HighlightBorder - border color when hovering over a control
  • IntenseHighlight - background color for cursor spotlight
  • IntenseHighlightBorder - border color for cursor spotlight
  • Interaction - background color when clicking a control
  • InteractionBorder - border color when clicking a control
  • InteractionForeground - foreground color when clicking a control

These colors and brushes are used by every style of AdonisUI. Changing the basic background color for example will affect the background of every button, text box, radio button and so on.

Colors and brushes can be assigned using the according ComponentResourceKeys.

  • Using a color: Color="{DynamicResource {x:Static adonisUi:Colors.Layer1BackgroundColor}}"
  • Using a brush: Background="{DynamicResource {x:Static adonisUi:Brushes.Layer1BackgroundBrush}}"

Note: Adonis UI must be included as namespace in Xaml: xmlns:adonisUi="clr-namespace:AdonisUI;assembly=AdonisUI"

Accent color

While relying on uniform colors for background areas and borders, an accent color can be used for visual highlighting of important spots. By default, both color schemes use blue as their accent color. This can be changed by overriding the accent color values as described here.

Available colors

Each color has a related brush with the same name that just ends with “Brush” instead of “Color”.

  • Layer 0
    • Layer0BackgroundColor
    • Layer0BorderColor
  • Layer 1
    • Layer1BackgroundColor
    • Layer1BorderColor
    • Layer1HighlightColor
    • Layer1HighlightBorderColor
    • Layer1IntenseHighlightColor
    • Layer1IntenseHighlightBorderColor
    • Layer1InteractionColor
    • Layer1InteractionBorderColor
    • Layer1InteractionForegroundColor
  • Layer 2
    • Layer2BackgroundColor
    • Layer2BorderColor
    • Layer2HighlightColor
    • Layer2HighlightBorderColor
    • Layer2IntenseHighlightColor
    • Layer2IntenseHighlightBorderColor
    • Layer2InteractionColor
    • Layer2InteractionBorderColor
    • Layer2InteractionForegroundColor
  • Layer 3
    • Layer3BackgroundColor
    • Layer3BorderColor
    • Layer3HighlightColor
    • Layer3HighlightBorderColor
    • Layer3IntenseHighlightColor
    • Layer3IntenseHighlightBorderColor
    • Layer3InteractionColor
    • Layer3InteractionBorderColor
    • Layer3InteractionForegroundColor
  • Layer 4
    • Layer4BackgroundColor
    • Layer4BorderColor
    • Layer4HighlightColor
    • Layer4HighlightBorderColor
    • Layer4IntenseHighlightColor
    • Layer4IntenseHighlightBorderColor
    • Layer4InteractionColor
    • Layer4InteractionBorderColor
    • Layer4InteractionForegroundColor
  • Accent
    • AccentColor
    • AccentForegroundColor
    • AccentHighlightColor
    • AccentIntenseHighlightColor
    • AccentIntenseHighlightBorderColor
    • AccentInteractionColor
    • AccentInteractionBorderColor
    • AccentInteractionForegroundColor
  • Misc
    • ForegroundColor
    • DisabledForegroundColor
    • DisabledAccentForegroundColor
    • ErrorColor
    • AlertColor
    • SuccessColor
    • HyperlinkColor
    • WindowButtonHighlightColor
    • WindowButtonInteractionColor

Overriding colors

To override single colors with custom values simply assign a new value to the corresponding resource key after including Adonis UI in your App.xaml.

            <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/AdonisUI;component/ColorSchemes/Light.xaml"/>
            <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/AdonisUI.ClassicTheme;component/Resources.xaml"/>

        <!-- Override colors as you like -->
        <Color x:Key="{x:Static adonisUi:Colors.AccentColor}">#0BAC08</Color>


Because each brush references a color, they will point to the new color values automatically and do not have to be adjusted.

Switching color schemes at runtime

To switch a color scheme the currently loaded colors have to be removed from the application resources and be replaced with new resources that use the identical resource keys. Adonis UI brings a helper method which does that for you that can be called inside a button click handler for example.

private bool _isDark;

private void ChangeTheme(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    ResourceLocator.SetColorScheme(Application.Current.Resources, _isDark ? ResourceLocator.LightColorScheme : ResourceLocator.DarkColorScheme);

    _isDark = !_isDark;

The ResourceLocator is part of Adonis UI living directly at the root namespace AdonisUI.ResourceLocator. The first parameter is a reference to the ResourceDictionary which holds the colors. By default this should be the application resources but if the color scheme has been added to the resources of a window for example, that window’s ResourceDictionary must be given here. The second parameter is an Uri to the replacing ResourceDictionary.

The ResourceLocator is capable of removing the current color scheme from the application resources on its own as long as it is one of the built-in color schemes. If you switch from a custom color scheme you need to specify the Uri to this as a third parameter.

Uri replacedColorSchemeUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/MyApp;component/ColorSchemes/CustomColorScheme1.xaml", UriKind.Absolute)
Uri replacingColorSchemeUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/MyApp;component/ColorSchemes/CustomColorScheme2.xaml", UriKind.Absolute)

AdonisUI.ResourceLocator.SetColorScheme(Application.Current.Resources, replacingColorSchemeUri, replacedColorSchemeUri);

Custom color schemes

Custom color schemes need to be defined the same way as the built-in color schemes. A single ResourceDictionary file should hold all colors and brushes that use the resource keys of Adonis UI. This ResourceDictionary can be included into the application resources instead of a built-in color scheme.

If you want to create a whole new color scheme you can create a new ResourceDictionary file and add a new Color for each key in AdonisUI.Colors and a new Brush (e.g. SolidColorBrush) for each key in AdonisUI.Brushes. To make sure every key has a color or brush assigned it is recommended to copy the contents of an existing color scheme file and set the preferred values:

<Color x:Key="{x:Static adonisUi:Colors.AccentColor}">#0BAC08</Color>
<!-- all colors go here -->

<SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static adonisUi:Brushes.AccentBrush}" Color="{DynamicResource {x:Static adonisUi:Colors.AccentColor}}"/>
<!-- all brushes go here -->

If you want to use a shipped color scheme and customize only some resources you can create a new ResourceDictionary file and make it include the theme you want to derive from in its ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries. Afterwards, you can create colors as you like and assign the color keys you want to override.

<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""

        <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/AdonisUI;component/ColorSchemes/Light.xaml"/>

    <Color x:Key="{x:Static adonisUi:Colors.AccentColor}">Green</Color>
    <!-- additional colors or brushes go here -->

The colors and brushes you did not specify are then taken from the included color scheme. You can include this ResourceDictionary in your App.xaml instead of the light and dark color schemes or in addition to them if you want to switch between those.

If you want to adjust the hue value of all colors in a color theme you might want to use @alexhelmspython script to do so. (Thank you for the contribution!)