
Scroll Bars

Adonis UI provides some additional behavior for scroll bars that is described below.

Expansion Mode

The default style for scroll bars introduces an expand / collapse mechanic.

Scroll bar in light color scheme

By default, scroll bars are in a collapsed state which makes them appear slim and without scroll buttons. They take up more space physically than it looks like thought. When entering the space with the cursor they switch to the expanded state. This makes them appear like normal sized scroll bars which can be grabbed more easily than the collapsed version. In expanded state the scroll buttons become visible as well.


The behavior is controlled via the ExpansionMode enum offering the following values:

  • AlwaysExpand - Keep the scroll bar always expanded and never collapsed
  • ExpandOnHover - Collapse the scroll bar by default and expand it when the mouse cursor enters it (default)
  • NeverExpand - Keep the scroll bar always collapsed and never expanded

For ScrollViewers:

<!-- xmlns:adonisExtensions="clr-namespace:AdonisUI.Extensions;assembly=AdonisUI" -->
<ScrollViewer adonisExtensions:ScrollViewerExtension.VerticalScrollBarExpansionMode="AlwaysExpand"

For controls containing a ScrollViewer like TextBox, ComboBox, ListBox, etc.:

<!-- xmlns:adonisExtensions="clr-namespace:AdonisUI.Extensions;assembly=AdonisUI" -->
<ComboBox adonisExtensions:ScrollViewerExtension.VerticalScrollBarExpansionMode="AlwaysExpand"

For ScrollBars:

<!-- xmlns:adonisExtensions="clr-namespace:AdonisUI.Extensions;assembly=AdonisUI" -->
<ScrollBar adonisExtensions:ScrollBarExtension.ExpansionMode="AlwaysExpand"/>

The default behavior can be changed for the whole application as well by overriding the property of the default scroll bar style:

<!-- xmlns:adonisExtensions="clr-namespace:AdonisUI.Extensions;assembly=AdonisUI" -->
            <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/AdonisUI;component/ColorSchemes/Light.xaml"/>
            <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/AdonisUI.ClassicTheme;component/Resources.xaml"/>

        <Style TargetType="ScrollBar"
               BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type ScrollBar}}">
            <Setter Property="adonisExtensions:ScrollBarExtension.ExpansionMode" Value="AlwaysExpand"/>



The ScrollBarPlacement enum offers options for how to position a scroll bar in relation to the scrolled content.

  • Docked - Place the scroll bar next to the content (default)
  • Overlay - Place the scroll bar on top of the content

Scroll bar placement

For ScrollViewers:

<!-- xmlns:adonisExtensions="clr-namespace:AdonisUI.Extensions;assembly=AdonisUI" -->
<ScrollViewer adonisExtensions:ScrollViewerExtension.VerticalScrollBarPlacement="Overlay"

For controls containing a ScrollViewer like TextBox, ComboBox, ListBox, etc.:

<!-- xmlns:adonisExtensions="clr-namespace:AdonisUI.Extensions;assembly=AdonisUI" -->
<ComboBox adonisExtensions:ScrollViewerExtension.VerticalScrollBarPlacement="Overlay"

Hide until hover

ScrollViewers can be configured to hide their scroll bars until the cursor moves over the respective ScrollViewer. This is disabled by default. To enable it set ScrollViewerExtension.HideScrollBarsUntilMouseOver to true on the ScrollViewer or the parent element like a TextBox, ComboBox, ListBox, etc.

For ScrollViewers:

<!-- xmlns:adonisExtensions="clr-namespace:AdonisUI.Extensions;assembly=AdonisUI" -->
<ScrollViewer adonisExtensions:ScrollViewerExtension.HideScrollBarsUntilMouseOver="True"/>

For controls containing a ScrollViewer like TextBox, ComboBox, ListBox, etc.:

<!-- xmlns:adonisExtensions="clr-namespace:AdonisUI.Extensions;assembly=AdonisUI" -->
<ComboBox adonisExtensions:ScrollViewerExtension.HideScrollBarsUntilMouseOver="True"/>